Safe Scuba Diving
1. Listen and Follow your Guide
Whenever we take out discover scuba divers, we make sure they know this first. Your guide- whether it be an instructor, divemaster or some sort of combination, knows the dive spot, skills and techniques best. Their sole purpose of running the dive is to make sure everyone is safe and having fun. That is why the top way to stay safe while scuba diving is to be in close proximity and paying attention to your guide.
2. Have a Buddy
The second most important rule to stay safe while scuba diving is to have a buddy. It’s just as important to be a good buddy as it is to have a buddy. When you’re responsible by staying close to your buddy, checking to see if they’re ok and have enough air, you keep you AND your buddy safe. Your buddy is your best friend down there. They can help with problems and show you cool stuff. Stick with them.
3. Check Your Air
And report it honestly!! Our least favorite thing as dive professionals is to have our customers misreport how much air they have. Check your air gauge often and report when you get to 2000 PSI, 1500 PSI, 1000 PSI, and most importantly 500 PSI. Low on air means we surface. We don’t mind the swim, we DO mind unsafe diving practices.
4. Never Hold Your Breath
We cannot stress this enough- NEVER HOLD YOUR BREATH. Always breathe continuously. When descending, breathing continuously equalizes your lungs. When ascending breathing continuously helps your lungs from exploding. Imagine your lungs are like a balloon. Under pressure and depth, air condenses, when pressure is released, air expands. So when ascending, less pressure applies to your lungs and breathing out keeps your lungs intact.
5. Stay in Your Comfort Zone
Anyone has the power to call off a dive. If conditions aren’t right, or something just feels off, it’s ok to end the dive. Vocalizing your needs or concerns before a dive gives us the ability to assure or help you. It’s never a good idea to push yourself out of your comfort zone. If your ear pressure becomes uncomfortable, signal an “ear problem”, don’t just keep going. If you went too hard the night before a deep dive and feel dehydrated, don’t just hop in the water, drink some water, eat and regain your energy. Pushing yourself past what you’re comfortable with will lead to panic, and that’s the last thing we want to see. Let’s keep you comfortable and most importantly safe. Diving should be fun, not stressful.
Come dive safely with us soon!
Divemaster Candidate Laura